
Our goal at Red Oak is ZERO ACCIDENTS. Safety is embedded into our culture and built into all of our contracts. Safety is paramount to everything we do, and we work to create and maintain a safe place for our employees, clients and visitors, every single time.

Red Oak’s company-wide health & safety program includes mandatory training for everyone, including office staff. Safety is the responsibility of all employees, not just one or two. We all share the responsibility of safety, and our program works best when our employees, subcontractors, and visitors participate.

Our supervisors, project managers and their teams complete OSHA’s 30-Hour-for-Construction safety training.  We also require additional detailed training that may be needed for a particular project. We don’t start work until we’re sure that every measure has been put in place to ensure everyone’s safety.

At the end of the year, we celebrate our company’s safety success with a year-end event for the entire Red Oak family.

Have any questions about our health & safety commitment? Let us know, we’ll be happy to provide the answers. If you need to discuss any safety concerns at any of our job-sites, please contact our corporate Compliance Officer.

Click here to view our safety partners, Safety Help Today .

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